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Arduino Mad Scientist Laboratory Projects
Arduino Mad Scientist Laboratory EP# 1 Ultrasonic Tripwire Alarm
Arduino mad scientist laboratory EP #3 kitty cat laser tower toy
Arduino Mad Scientist Laboratory EP #4 simulated candle light using a LED controlled by Arduino
Arduino Mad Scientist Laboratory EP #5 Bluetooth Controlled 110V AC Power Outlet
Arduino Mad Scientist Laboratory EP#8 TEA5767 FM radio with LCD, Rotary Encoder, Presets & 30w AMP
Arduino Mad Scientist Laboratory EP #7 RFID keyless entry
Arduino Mad Scientist Laboratory EP #9 Bluetooth controlled pan and tilt platform
Arduino Mad Scientist Laboratory EP#10: GAS leak finder (MQ-6 flammable gas sensor)
Arduino Sensors: BME280 Barometric pressure sensor module
Arduino sensors: Infrared receiver
How to find the address of any I2C device connected to your Arduino board
How to make two Arduino boards talk to each other
How to set up the NRF24 L01+ so it works correctly
How To Setup & Use The I2C 1602 LCD Display
How to setup and use a PCA9685 with your Arduino to control up to 16 servos.
How to setup and use the 128X32 OLED display
How to use ARRAYS in your Arduino sketches
How to use Rotary Encoders with your Arduino
Learn to Build Android apps
Learning ARDUINO for Beginners
Learning Arduino EP #41: Joystick Controlled pan and tilt platform
Learning Arduino for beginners EP #35 keypads and the password Library
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#13 wired serial communication between two Arduino boards
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#20 Android Bluetooth control
learning Arduino for beginners EP#21 DHT11 and DHT22 temp and humidity sensor
learning Arduino for beginners EP#22 DHT11 temp and humidity on LCD display
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#23 send multiple sensor readings to Android device
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#25 laser trip wire alarm
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#26 controlling DC motors with a H-Bridge
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#27 using rotary encoders
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#28 stepper Motors
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#30 RFID readers
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#31 PIR sensors
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#32 soil moisture sensors
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#33 max7219 LED Matrix display
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#34 using processing with your PC to control your Arduino
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#37 photo interrupters
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#38 ultrasonic sensors (HC-SR04)
Learning Arduino for beginners EP#39 logic lvl converters (using 3.3V logic devices with 5V Arduino)
Learning ARDUINO for Beginners EP#4 Analog Inputs
Learning ARDUINO for Beginners EP#5 Analog Outputs (PWM)
Learning ARDUINO for Beginners EP#8 while loop and pull up resistors
Learning ARDUINO for Beginners EP#9 Sreial Monitor and Potentiometers
Learning ARDUINO for Beginners EP#2 Digital Outputs
Mouse Trap Hacks
How to bait a mouse trap to get the mouse 99% of the time
Mouse Trap 555 timer alarm
Processing and Arduino
Processing and Arduino EP#1 buttons
Processing and Arduino EP#2 sliders
Product Reviews
DT-9205A Digital Multimeter Unboxing and Review
EBL 6F22 9V battery charger and 600mAh batteries unboxing, review and test
LAVOLTA BPS-305 Variable DC Power Supply Review and how to use tutorial
Limo Studio 160 led Photo/video light unboxing and review
Pembrook cross cut paper shredder unboxing, review and test
SDR Radio for beginners
SDR Radio for beginners EP#1 getting started
ARDUINO projects
ANDROID Bluetooth controlled ARDUINO universal infrared Remote control
ARDUINO Beginners Project : Sound Activated Alarm
ARDUINO Bluetooth Controlled Dice Shaker Game
ARDUINO Bluetooth Servo Control With My New ANDROID APP
ARDUINO Clapper, sound activated light or relay
ARDUINO Countdown Timer with alarm (kitchen timer)
ARDUINO Flame Detector Fire Alarm
ARDUINO How To Bluetooth Control 2 DC Motors Speed And Direction With A L298N
ARDUINO how to build your own universal IR remote control
ARDUINO infrared IR remote stepper motor control
ARDUINO IR motion proximity detecting relay control
ARDUINO Keypad Password Door Lock (keyless entry)
ARDUINO laser tripwire burglar alarm
ARDUINO Motion Detecting (PIR Sensor) Camera Trigger
Arduino Mouse Auto Clicker
ARDUINO No Way To Cheat Automatic Dice Shaker
ARDUINO one Transistor sound detector
ARDUINO photogate for HIGH SPEED photography
ARDUINO sound activated flash or camera trigger
ARDUINO Ultrasonic Distance or burglar alarm Trip Wire tutorial (HC-SR04)
ARDUINO use DS3231 clock’s Alarm to activate any infrared controllable devise
ARDUINO, How to blink a LED without using delays in your sketch
ARDUINO, How To Bluetooth Control Up To 12 Relays With My Free APP
Bipolar stepper motor controlled with rotary encoder
Convert a old scanner into a Camera Slider..
DFPlayer Mini MP3 ARDUINO Bluetooth controlled Fart Machine
High Low temputure and humidity controll box build tutorial
How to amplify your ARDUINO tone’s the easy way
How to Bluetooth Control ARDUINO PWM Pins (pulse with modulation)
How to Bluetooth Control your Garage Door with a ARDUINO and Smart Phone
How to Bluetooth control your garden hose
How To Build A ARDUINO Bluetooth Joystick to control your robot Part 1
How to build a ARDUINO controlled low temperature alarm with optional relay control
How to build a ARDUINO controlled window or door alarm
How To Build A Bluetooth Camera Shutter Release Trigger Controlled by your Smart Phone or Tablet
How to build a Bluetooth controlled Photogate for high Speed photography
How to build a flame sensor for your ARDUINO, Raspberry PI or other Microcontroller
How to build a wireless Bluetooth weather station (Arduino)
How To Control 2 ARDUINO Boards At The Same Time With MIT App Inventor
How to extend your USB cable up to a 100ft +
How To Get Your ARDUINO Boards And Parts For FREE
How to make a ARDUINO controlled RFID keyless entry door lock
How to make a basic 2 wheel drive Arduino Bluetooth controlled robot
How to make a capacitive touch sensor switch out of anything metal using an Arduino
How to make a LED simulate candle light
How to make custom parts in Fritzing the quick and easy way
How to make professional looking schematics of your electronics project for free
How To Make Two ARDUINO Boards Bluetooth Communicate With Each Other
How To Make Two ARDUINO Microcontrollers Talk To Each Other
How to MIT APP INVENTOR 2 Make a Bluetooth Connection Screen
How to power your ARDUINO project with a L7805 voltage regulator
How to properly connect your HC-05 and HC-06 bluetooth board to your ARDUINO
How To Receive Multiple Sensor Readings From Your ARDUINO Into Your MIT APP INVENTOR 2 APP
How To send Text from android to a ARDUINO lcd screen
How to set up and use a 1602 I2C serial LCD with your ARDUINO.
How to set up and use a DHT11 or DHT22 with a ARDUINO board & LCD screen
How To Set Up And Use The DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player
How to use a RC transmitter and receiver with your arduino (Robot, Drone)
How to use A transistior with your ARDUINO Board as a switch
How to use a USB mouse to contol servos with a ARDUINO board
How to use analog meter gauges with your ARDUINO project
How to use any relay with your arduino the safe way
How to use photo interrupters with your ARDUINO
Isolating circuits from your arduino with optocouplers
MIT App Inventor 2 How to AUTO Connect a Bluetooth Devise
NRF24L01 ARDUINO RC Joystick
The correct way to connect a RC522 (MFRC522) RFID reader to your ARDUINO
The super easy and simple way to rename your HC-06 Bluetooth Board
USB Digital Microscope for circuit board inspection and coin roll hunting Review and test
Use any OLD Infrared Remote control With Your arduino
Using Logic Gates with ARDUINO pt1. The NOT Gate
Will adding a external antenna to your HC-05 and HC-06 increase its range
Yelling and screaming OPERATION game modification
Other Projects
DIY adapter to run 9 – 18 volt cordless power tools off a car battery, power Supply or charger
How to add a 12 volt car accessory plug to your battery charger
How to Build a Motion Activated Night Light
How to control a relay with a PIR motion sensor
How to make a handheld USB powered foam cutter out of PVC tubing for under $5
How to make a PVC tablet or smartphone holder for a tripod or light stand
How to make simple and easy to use photography backdrop clips for under $0.05 each
How To Use A OP Amp to Make A Dark Activated Night Light
JQ6500 MP3 player basic setup and how to upload MP3’s to it
Rotary Encoder controlled Digital Potentiometer (X9C103)
Simple FOX hunting HT Attenuator
simple ham radio mic preamp for a HT
tape measure fox hunting beam antenna for HAM radio
Mouse Trap Hacks
Mouse Trap 555 timer alarm.
How to bait a mouse trap to get the mouse 99% of the time.
Z-HUT Arduino
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